Seating Component Manufacturing offers a vast array of special services to make our customers buying experience easy and enjoyable. As the old adage goes “you only have one chance to make a first impression” and we want your first impression to be of a company who can handle all your needs.

Our in-house designers and engineers oversee every step of our manufacturing process and can readily adapt to a customer’s special needs in material, look and space requirements.
Local SCM deliveries, when requested, are shipped assembled and installed by our in-house crews whose only job is to make sure you receive your purchase without hassle or worry.

Our sales staff comprises a team of individuals who thoroughly understand our products and capabilities. They can help you with color and size choices and explain the special options available for each product. They can quote pricing, availability and delivery within 24 hours and can visit your site area for a complete evaluation of your needs.
Special color matching, silkscreened images, decals, laser etching and metal plaques are only a few of the custom features our in-house designers offer as a service to our customers to enhance their business image or to personalize a communities standing.